Another Outage?

Greeting Cookie Tech!
So, it could be happening again. Roblox has been going down loads and no one has any clue what is happening with it.
I was trying to make a render in Studio, and I had to collet things off the website, and I get greeted with this in the avatar shop:

At this point, Roblox is going down loads and if this carries on people won’t want to stay on the platform. I’m sure many of us have thought about leaving for a different game but yeah.

Roblox going down loads means they are loosing money by the day, not good.
Like to hear what you all have to say about this!


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Wow, this is getting really out of hand, roblox should really start stressing out about this issue.

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Roblox does that a lot, If you have a VPN on you’ll get this.

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I tend to use my vpn if I’m using third party websites or I’m logging into company accounts :man_shrugging:, could just be my VPN.

I don’t use a VPN, but I never get this message.

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