Barista/Kitchen Area - Support/Model needed

Hey guys,

Just wondering if someone could give me some instructions on how to build an area to make drinks (for baristas)



@CookieTechAi could you help this user with there issue

Of course, Happyshot10! Here are some general instructions on how to build an area for making drinks:

  1. First, decide on where you want your drink-making area to be located. Ideally, it should be a convenient and easily accessible space for your baristas to work in.

  2. Next, you’ll need to select the equipment and supplies you’ll need. This will depend on what kind of drinks you plan to make. Typically, you’ll need an espresso machine, a grinder, a blender, a refrigerator, and various types of syrups and ingredients.

  3. Once you have your equipment and supplies, it’s time to start setting up your drink-making area. Start by placing your equipment in the appropriate locations. Your espresso machine and grinder should be placed near each other, and your blender should be located nearby as well. The refrigerator should be within reach, but not taking up too much space.

  4. Make sure you organize your supplies in an easily accessible location. You should have everything you need within arm’s reach, and it should be neatly organized to avoid confusion.

  5. Lastly, ensure that the area is clean and hygienic. Your baristas should be able to work comfortably and safely.

I hope this helps you in building your barista area. Let me know if you have any more questions!

Can you tell me how to make an espresso machine?

Sure, I can provide some instructions on how to make a simple espresso machine in Lua!

Before we dive in, I should note that creating a full-featured, realistic espresso machine would require a fair amount of code and technical know-how. However, if you just want to create a basic machine that will simulate making an espresso, the following instructions should suffice.

Here’s one possible approach:

  1. First, decide on the appearance of your espresso machine. You may want to create a model using a 3D modeling program, or you could use simple shapes and textures in Lua.

  2. Next, create a function that will simulate making an espresso. The function should take in the necessary parameters (such as the amount of water and coffee grounds needed), and return a result (such as the resulting espresso shot).

Here’s an example function that should give you an idea of what this might look like:

function makeEspresso(coffee, water)
    -- simulate making an espresso by mixing the given amounts of coffee and water
    local espresso = {
        coffee = coffee,
        water = water,
        strength = math.random(1,10) -- choose a random strength level for the espresso shot
    return espresso
  1. Integrate the makeEspresso function into your espresso machine code. This could involve creating a user interface that allows the user to input the desired amount of coffee and water, and then displays the resulting espresso shot.

Here’s an example of how this might look:

-- define a function to handle user input and display the results
function onButtonClick()
    local coffeeInput = tonumber(coffeeTextbox.text)
    local waterInput = tonumber(waterTextbox.text)
    local espresso = makeEspresso(coffeeInput, waterInput)
    -- display the resulting espresso
    resultLabel.text = "Here's your espresso! \n Coffee: " .. .."ml \n Water: " .. espresso.water .. "ml \n Strength: " .. espresso.strength

-- create the user interface elements (textboxes, button, etc.)
coffeeTextbox =, y, width, height)
waterTextbox =, y, width, height)
makeEspressoButton =, y, width, height, "Make Espresso")
resultLabel =, y, width, height)

-- set the onButtonClick function to execute when the Make Espresso button is clicked
makeEspressoButton.onClick = onButtonClick

Note that the above code is just an example, and you’ll likely need to adapt it to your specific needs.

I hope this gives you a starting point for creating an espresso machine in Lua. Let me know if you have any further questions or need help with anything else!

How would I make a system that allows users to make milkshakes?

To create a system that allows users to make milkshakes, you’ll need to:

  1. Decide on the ingredients and tools needed to make a milkshake. Typically, you’ll need ice cream, milk, and flavorings (such as chocolate syrup or fruit). You’ll also need a blender to mix the ingredients together.

  2. Create a user interface that allows the user to select the desired ingredients and flavors. This could include checkboxes or dropdown menus to select the type and amount of ice cream, milk, and flavorings.

  3. Once the user has selected their desired ingredients, the program should use code to simulate the process of making a milkshake. You could do this by creating a function that takes in the selected ingredients as parameters, and then returns a “milkshake” object that contains the resulting drink.

Here’s an example function that might do this:

function makeMilkshake(iceCream, milk, flavoring)
    local blender =
    return blender.result

Note that the above code is just an example, and would need to be adapted to your specific requirements.

  1. Once the milkshake object is returned, you can display it to the user. This could include showing a 3D model of the milkshake, or displaying its ingredients and nutritional information.

I hope that helps give you an idea of how to create a system for making milkshakes in Lua! Let me know if you have any further questions or if you need help with anything else.

Can you give me a script to do this?

Certainly! Here’s a basic script that allows users to create and blend milkshakes in Lua:

-- Define the Milkshake class
Milkshake = {}
Milkshake.__index = Milkshake

function, iceCream, milk)
  local self = setmetatable({}, Milkshake)
  self.flavor = flavor
  self.iceCream = iceCream
  self.milk = milk
  return self

-- Define the Blender class
Blender = {}
Blender.__index = Blender

  local self = setmetatable({}, Blender)
  self.ingredients = {}
  return self

function Blender:addIngredient(ingredient)
  table.insert(self.ingredients, ingredient)

function Blender:blend()
  -- Simulate blending process
  self.result =
    self.ingredients["ice cream"],

-- Display user interface
print("Welcome to the Milkshake Maker!")
print("What type of milkshake would you like to make?")

-- Get user input
flavors = {"Vanilla", "Chocolate", "Strawberry"}
for i, flavor in ipairs(flavors) do
    print(i .. ". " .. flavor)
flavorSelection ="*n")
selectedFlavor = flavors[flavorSelection]

print("How many scoops of ice cream? (Enter a number)")
selectedIceCream ="*n")

print("How much milk? (Enter ml)")
selectedMilk ="*n")

-- Create, blend, and display the milkshake
blender =
blender:addIngredient({["flavor"] = selectedFlavor})
blender:addIngredient({["ice cream"] = selectedIceCream})
blender:addIngredient({["milk"] = selectedMilk})

print("Here's your delicious " .. blender.result.flavor .. " milkshake!")
print("Ingredients: " .. blender.result.iceCream .. " scoops of ice cream, " .. blender.result.milk .. "ml of milk")

This script creates two classes, one for Milkshake and another for Blender, which is used to simulate the blending of the ingredients. It then displays a simple user interface which allows the user to select the flavor, amount of ice cream and milk they’d like to use, and then blends those ingredients together to create a Milkshake.

Note that this is just a basic example and could be extended to include additional features such as different types of flavorings or the ability to store recipes for future use.

I hope this helps you get started with making milkshakes in Lua! Let me know if you have any further questions or if you need help with anything else.

Ok. How would I create a proximity prompt that gives a user an item from ServerStorage?

To create a proximity prompt that gives a user an item from ServerStorage in Lua, you can use the ProximityPrompt object and the ServerStorage service.

Here’s an example code that should work:

-- Get the players
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

-- Get the ServerStorage
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")

-- Define the item to give
local itemName = "MyItem"

-- Create a ProximityPrompt
local prompt ="ProximityPrompt")
prompt.Parent = ServerStorage[itemName]
prompt.MaxActivationDistance = 10
prompt.ActionText = "Take Item"

-- Handle when the prompt is activated
    -- Check if the player has the item already
    if player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(itemName) or player.Character:FindFirstChild(itemName) then
    -- Give the player the item
    local item = ServerStorage[itemName]:Clone()
    item.Parent = player.Backpack

-- Print a message when the script starts running
print("Proximity prompt for " .. itemName .. " item created!")

Here’s how the script works:

  1. It starts by getting the Players and ServerStorage services.

  2. It defines the name of the item to give.

  3. It creates a new ProximityPrompt object and sets its properties. The MaxActivationDistance property sets the maximum distance the user can be from the prompt to activate it. The ActionText property displays the text that the user sees when they’re close to the prompt.

  4. It connects the Triggered event to a function that will be called when the prompt is activated. This function checks if the user already has the item in their backpack or on their character. If they don’t, it clones the item from ServerStorage and adds it to their backpack.

  5. Finally, the script prints a message to the console to confirm that the proximity prompt for the item has been created.

Note that in the above code, we assume that the user has a Backpack. If you’re making an item for a special type of user character that does not have a default backpack, you should manage it with code.

I hope this helps you create a proximity prompt that gives a user an item from ServerStorage! Let me know if you have any further questions or if you need help with anything else.

Do I make a part and then make a proximity prompt object inside of it? Where do I put the script?

Yes, you can create a part and then insert a ProximityPrompt object inside of it to create the proximity prompt.

To add the script that handles the prompt activation, you can insert a Script object as a child of the part or create a ModuleScript in ServerScriptService and require it in a Script object.

Here’s an example of how you can structure your code:

  1. Create a part in the workspace or in ReplicatedStorage.

  2. Insert a ProximityPrompt object as a child of the part.

  3. Add the code that handles the Triggered event of the ProximityPrompt inside a Script object that is also a child of the part or a ModuleScript in ServerScriptService that’s required by a Script object:

-- Handle when the prompt is activated
    local itemName = "MyItem"
    -- Check if the player already has the item
    if player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(itemName) or player.Character:FindFirstChild(itemName) then
    -- Clone the item and give it to the player
    local item = game.ServerStorage[itemName]:Clone()
    item.Parent = player.Backpack

This script gets the ProximityPrompt object that is a child of the part (script.Parent.ProximityPrompt) and connects the Triggered event to a function that checks if the player already has the item in their backpack or on their character. If they don’t, it clones the item from ServerStorage and adds it to their backpack.

  1. Save the changes and test your proximity prompt by walking close to it in-game.

I hope this helps you add a proximity prompt to your game! Let me know if you have any further questions or if you need help with anything else.

I’m confused. Summarize everything and put it into an easy-to-understand message.

Sure, here’s a summary of how to create a proximity prompt that gives a user an item from ServerStorage:

  1. Create a part in the workspace or in ReplicatedStorage.

  2. Insert a ProximityPrompt object as a child of the part.

  3. Add a Script object or a ModuleScript in ServerScriptService that handles the Triggered event of the ProximityPrompt.

  4. In the script, get the ServerStorage and define the name of the item to give.

  5. Inside the function that handles the Triggered event, check if the player already has the item in their backpack or on their character. If they don’t, clone the item from ServerStorage and add it to their backpack.

  6. Save the changes and test your proximity prompt by walking close to it in-game.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions or if you need help with anything else.

Include the scripts needed in the summary

Sure, here’s the summary including the code for the scripts you’ll need:

  1. Create a part in the workspace or in ReplicatedStorage.

  2. Insert a ProximityPrompt object as a child of the part.

  3. Add a Script object or a ModuleScript in ServerScriptService that handles the Triggered event of the ProximityPrompt.

  4. The Script code to handle the activation event of the ProximityPrompt:

-- Get the ServerStorage and define the name of the item to give
local serverStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local itemName = "MyItem"

-- Handle when the prompt is activated
    -- Check if the player already has the item
    if player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(itemName) or player.Character:FindFirstChild(itemName) then
    -- Clone the item and give it to the player
    local item = serverStorage[itemName]:Clone()
    item.Parent = player.Backpack
  1. Save the changes and test your proximity prompt by walking close to it in-game.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions or if you need help with anything else.

What do I do about that script? Nothing?

If you want to use the script I provided, you can copy and paste it into a script in your game.

Before you can use the script, you will need to change the itemName variable to the name of the item that you want to give the player. You should also make sure that the item is in ServerStorage so that the script can find it.

Once you have made those changes to the script, you can run it in your game and it will create a proximity prompt that gives the player the specified item when they activate the prompt.

Let me know if you have any further questions or if you need help with anything else!

Ok. So give me a summary of everything, including working instructions for everything I need done. I do not want to have to script anything myself.