Basic Admin Remade - 2024 Edition

Hey Cookie Tech! :cookie: :wave:

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, hasn’t it?

Basic Admin Remade

Welcome to the world of simpleness :earth_americas:

Basic Admin Essentials (BAE) ever feel “boring”? It’s non-rounded corners? Having to go through lines of code just to change the tiniest things, and it never being updated? Well, it’s time to change that.

With Basic Admin Remade, you can…

  • Change Rank Names
  • Disable Console
  • Disable the Command Bar
  • Have Message Popups
  • Have “This Server is Defended”
  • Have Rounded Corners
  • Non-Private PMs
  • Headless Donor Perk
  • And more…

All in one system, open source project, free forever, and best of all… updated. Now, I know what you’re going to say… Couldn’t I do this myself? Well… Yes, but it saves you time and gives you more time to work on your awesome game.

Ready to download?

Ready to make your game awesome? :thinking:

It’s easy, just get the Creator Marketplace and insert it from there. If you’re looking to contribute, use our Github Repository.

:bulb: Have a suggestion? Let me & @Aspect know in the replies and we’ll try our best to add it!
:building_construction: Need a setup guide? Check this guide.
:heart: Enjoyed this? Check out my Discord Status Emojis, they’re free!



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  • Basic Admin Essentials
  • Basic Admin Remade
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Hey, I have some questions.

How can I fix the timed notifications? They are currently broken and not working for me.

How are they “Broke”?

They just won’t show up.

Did you enable it in the settings?

Mhm, it automatically is.

Hi! How do I set up my own donor perks? Right now, it’s just linking to some other place…

Hi! Me & Aspect don’t get paid, and we’re only able to get paid from Donor Perks, therefore, we kindly ask you don’t change them.

Isn’t it meant to be changed though? It’s opened source, and no disrespect at all, but we would rather want people to buy our gamepasses instead of other people’s.

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I completely agree with you.

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Awe, thank you so much! I just really don’t understand why someone wants to make money off of a few UI and script tinkering.

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The DonorPerks are only 30 robux and we would like to earn some money because we spent time on modifying it.

Your game still recieves a 10% of its sales because it was purchased in that game.

Both Aspect & Me split the profits, and don’t get paid. Now, we update BAR regularly, and with BAE releasing this month, we have to do everything all over again.

You said:
I just really don’t understand why someone wants to make money off of a few UI and script tinkering

I would suppose you would be able to change everything in BAE, then you could change without copying our modifications.

If you like to change it, please contact me to discuss it

Okay, just want to mention that under the license of the current repository GPL3 LICENSE, that there is nothing stopping you from:

  • Using this software for commercial purposes.
  • Using this software privately.

Hey my plugins dont work, theyre in the folder and i have changed sbything below datastore key thingy.

This will be something to do with your plugins when we’ve tested plugins have worked just fine.

they worked with the normal BAE

I’ve created a setup guide for those who need it, here it is: 🏗️ Basic Admin Remade ─ blog ─ Boo

Not sure if this is just a me problem or if it’s for everyone. - the timed notifications don’t work at all. They are enabled, they have string in them and stuff but they aren’t working.