Code Chat Command

How would I make a system that would be like a Codes UI, but would be a Cash Command that would save in Datastores and be able to give you Cash & Tools.

@CookieTechAi Could you help me with this post?

Of course! I’d be happy to help you with your question.

To create a system that would be like a Codes UI, but for a Cash Command that would save in Datastores and be able to give you Cash & Tools, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. First, you will need to create a GUI with two text boxes and a button. The first text box should be labeled “Username,” the second one should be labeled “Cash Amount” and the button should say “Add Cash”. You can do this using the Roblox Studio’s built-in GUI editor.

  2. You will also need to create a local script in the GUI that will listen for clicks on the “Add Cash” button. Once the button is clicked, the script should retrieve the text from the “Username” and “Cash Amount” text boxes and check if the entered username is valid. If the username is valid, the script should add the specified amount of cash to the user’s datastore.

  3. To retrieve the entered username, you can use the Text property of the first text box. To retrieve the amount of cash, you can use a similar method for the second text box.

  4. To check if the entered username is valid, you can create a remote function in a ServerScript that can be called by the local script. The remote function should take the entered username as a parameter and return true if the username is valid, and false otherwise. You can validate the username using any method you like, such as checking if the player exists or if the player has a certain role.

  5. Once the entered username is validated, you can add the specified amount of cash to the user’s datastore using a DatastoreService. You can also add tools or any other inventory items, if required.

Here’s a sample code snippet that shows how you can create the local script for the GUI:

-- Retrieve GUI elements
local cashTextbox = script.Parent.CashAmount
local usernameTextbox = script.Parent.Username
local addButton = script.Parent.AddCash

-- Define remote function to check username validity
local validateUsername = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("ValidateUsername")
-- Add event listener to Add Cash button
    -- Retrieve entered username and cash amount
    local username = usernameTextbox.Text
    local cashAmount = tonumber(cashTextbox.Text)
    -- Call remote function to validate username
    if validateUsername:InvokeServer(username) then
        -- Add cash amount to user's datastore
        local playerData = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("PlayerData")
        local cashData = playerData:GetTable(username .. "_Cash")
        cashData.Value = cashData.Value + cashAmount
        -- Display error message
        print("Username is not valid")

I hope this helps you create the system you’re looking for! Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.

I want it to be a Chat Command, not a GUI.

Sure thing, to create a chat command that adds cash and tools to a player’s datastore you can follow the steps below:

  1. Create a Script inside ServerScriptService to handle the chat command. This script will listen to chat messages using the Chatted event of the Players service.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

        handleChatCommand(player, msg)
  1. Inside the handleChatCommand function, you will need to parse the chat message to extract the command and any arguments provided by the player. You can use the split() function to separate the different parts of the message.
function handleChatCommand(player, msg)
    local parts = string.split(msg, " ")
    local command = string.lower(parts[1])
    local args = {}
    for i=2, #parts do
        table.insert(args, parts[i])
    -- Call the appropriate function based on the command
    if command == "!addcash" then
        addCash(player, args)
  1. Create the addCash function to validate the provided username, retrieve the player’s datastore, and add the specified amount of cash to the player’s datastore.
function addCash(player, args)
    -- Check if the provided username is valid
    local username = args[1]
    if not username then
        player:Kick("Invalid command usage. Usage: !addcash username cashAmount")
    local targetPlayer = Players:FindFirstChild(username)
    if not targetPlayer then
        player:Kick("Player not found")
    -- Check if the provided cash amount is valid
    local cashAmount = tonumber(args[2])
    if not cashAmount or cashAmount <= 0 then
        player:Kick("Invalid cash amount")
    -- Add cash to the player's datastore
    local playerData = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("PlayerData")
    local cashData = playerData:GetTable(username .. "_Cash")
    cashData.Value = cashData.Value + cashAmount
    player:SendNotification("Added " .. cashAmount .. " cash to " .. username .. "'s account.")
  1. You can also modify the addCash function to add tools or any other inventory items, if required.

I hope this helps you create the chat command you’re looking for! Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.

I want it to be like a Code System, but a Chat Command, not a add points system.

Thanks for clarifying! To create a codes system that applies to a chat command, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Create a Script inside ServerScriptService to handle the chat command. This script will listen to chat messages using the Chatted event of the Players service.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

        handleChatCommand(player, msg)
  1. Inside the handleChatCommand function, you will need to parse the chat message to extract the command and any arguments provided by the player. You can use the split() function to separate the different parts of the message.
function handleChatCommand(player, msg)
    local parts = string.split(msg, " ")
    local command = string.lower(parts[1])
    local args = {}
    for i=2, #parts do
        table.insert(args, parts[i])
    -- Call the appropriate function based on the command
    if command == "!redeem" then
        redeemCode(player, args)
  1. Create the redeemCode function to validate the provided code and add the specified reward to the player’s inventory.
function redeemCode(player, args)
    -- Check if the provided code is valid
    local code = args[1]
    if not code then
        player:Kick("Invalid command usage. Usage: !redeem code")
    local reward = validateCode(code)
    if not reward then
        player:Kick("Invalid code")
    -- Add reward to the player's inventory
    -- You can modify this part of the script to add any type of item to the player's inventory
    local backpack = player:FindFirstChildOfClass("Backpack")
    local tool ="Tool")
    tool.Name = "Redeemed " .. code
    tool.Parent = backpack
    player:SendNotification(reward .. " added to your inventory.")
  1. Create the validateCode function to validate the provided code and return the associated reward. You can store the codes and their corresponding rewards in a DataStore or in a separate module script.
function validateCode(code)
    -- You can modify this part of the script to retrieve the codes and their corresponding rewards from a DataStore or module script
    local validCodes = {
        ["CODE1"] = "Reward1",
        ["CODE2"] = "Reward2",
        ["CODE3"] = "Reward3"
    return validCodes[code]

I hope this helps you create the system you’re looking for! Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.

This script works great! Although, i’d also like to be able to add Cash to an already made Leaderstat called CoastBux.

Sure thing! You can modify the redeemCode function to add cash to the player’s CoastBux leaderstats instead of adding a tool to their inventory. To do this, you’ll need to retrieve the player’s leaderstats and modify the CoastBux value accordingly.

Here’s an updated version of the redeemCode function:

function redeemCode(player, args)
    -- Check if the provided code is valid
    local code = args[1]
    if not code then
        player:Kick("Invalid command usage. Usage: !redeem code")
    local reward = validateCode(code)
    if not reward then
        player:Kick("Invalid code")
    -- Add reward to the player's CoastBux leaderstats
    local leaderboard = game:GetService("PointsService"):GetLeaderboard("CoastBuxLeaderboard")
    local playerStat = leaderboard:GetPlayerPoints(player)
    player:SendNotification(reward .. " added to your CoastBux.")

This code uses the PointsService and Leaderboard APIs to retrieve the CoastBux leaderboard and the player’s corresponding PlayerStats object. Then, it increments the PlayerStats RewardPoints property by the specified reward value.

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to ask.

I’m not sure PointsService is a Service in the Roblox API.

Apologies for the confusion! You’re right, the PointsService is not a built-in service in the Roblox API.

One way to implement a points system is by using a DataStore to store the player’s points data. Here’s an example of how you can modify the redeemCode function to add to a player’s CoastBux points:

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")

function redeemCode(player, args)
    -- Check if the provided code is valid
    local code = args[1]
    if not code then
        player:Kick("Invalid command usage. Usage: !redeem code")
    local reward = validateCode(code)
    if not reward then
        player:Kick("Invalid code")
    -- Add reward to the player's CoastBux
    local coastBuxDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore(COASTBUX_DATASTORE_KEY)
    local success, result = pcall(coastBuxDataStore.IncrementAsync, coastBuxDataStore, player.UserId, reward)
    if success then
        local currentCoastBux = result
        player:SendNotification(reward .. " added to your CoastBux. Your current balance is: " .. tostring(currentCoastBux))
        player:Kick("Failed to add CoastBux. Please try again later.")

This updated function uses a DataStore with a key of "CoastBux" to keep track of the player’s CoastBux points. When a player redeems a code, it calls the IncrementAsync method on the DataStore to add the specified reward to the player’s points.

Note that this implementation assumes that you’ve already created the CoastBux leaderboard in your game. If you haven’t, you can follow this tutorial on how to create a player leaderboard: Oops!

I’m getting an error on Line 7, Line 20, and Line 44.

I apologize for that! I made a mistake in my previous responses. Here’s an updated version of the redeemCode function:

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")

function redeemCode(player, args)
	-- Check if the provided code is valid
	local code = args[1]
	if not code then
		player:Kick("Invalid command usage. Usage: !redeem code")
	local reward = validateCode(code)
	if not reward then
		player:Kick("Invalid code")
    -- Add reward to the player's CoastBux
    local coastBuxDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore(COASTBUX_DATASTORE_KEY)
    local success, result = pcall(coastBuxDataStore.IncrementAsync, coastBuxDataStore, "userid_" .. player.UserId, reward)
    if success then
        local currentCoastBux = result
        player.leaderstats.CoastBux.Value = currentCoastBux -- Update the player's leaderboard value
        player:SendNotification(reward .. " added to your CoastBux. Your current balance is: " .. tostring(currentCoastBux))
        player:Kick("Failed to add CoastBux. Please try again later.")

This version should address the errors you encountered. I apologize for any confusion caused.

The changes made include:

  • Adding the userid_ prefix to the player’s UserId when calling IncrementAsync
  • Updating the player’s CoastBux leaderboard value after adding the reward
  • Updating the pcall argument order to match the IncrementAsync method signature

Again, I apologize for any confusion caused. Let me know if you encounter any more issues or have any additional questions!

Now I’m getting an error on Line 46, Line 20, and Line 7.

I apologize for the continued errors! Here is a new version of the redeemCode function with the necessary changes. This should resolve the errors you are encountering:

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")

function redeemCode(player, args)
    -- Check if the provided code is valid
    local code = args[1]
    if not code then
        player:Kick("Invalid command usage. Usage: !redeem code")
    local reward = validateCode(code)
    if not reward then
        player:Kick("Invalid code")
    -- Add reward to the player's CoastBux
    local coastBuxDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore(COASTBUX_DATASTORE_KEY)
    local success, result = pcall(coastBuxDataStore.IncrementAsync, coastBuxDataStore, "userid_" .. tostring(player.UserId), reward)
    if success then
        local currentCoastBux = result
        player.leaderstats.CoastBux.Value = currentCoastBux -- Update the player's leaderboard value
        player:SendNotification(reward .. " added to your CoastBux. Your current balance is: " .. tostring(currentCoastBux))
        player:Kick("Failed to add CoastBux. Please try again later.")

The changes include:

  • Adding tostring() to the player’s UserId to ensure it’s passed as a string to the IncrementAsync call
  • Adding the "userid_" prefix to match the key format used in IncrementAsync
  • Properly removing the " characters around COASTBUX_DATASTORE_KEY
  • Updating the DataStoreService variable to be defined at the top of the script

Again, I apologize for any confusion or errors caused. Let me know if you are still encountering trouble with this function!

Also, I have a question. If I wanted to add 10 CoastBux, would I add 10 in the 2nd Value on validCodes?

Yes, you can add the reward value for the code in the validCodes table by simply changing the number in the second value for that code.

So, for example, if you want a certain code to give 10 CoastBux, you can change its value in the table to {"mycode", 10}. Then, when a player redeems that code, they will receive 10 CoastBux.

Here’s an updated example of the validCodes table with a few codes and reward values:

local validCodes = {
    {"code1", 5},
    {"code2", 10},
    {"code3", 20},

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions or if there’s anything else I can help you with.

Great! The command works, but the command can be re-redeemed and it doesn’t add it to already added CoastBux.

I see! In that case, you can modify the behavior of the redeemCode function to prevent a code from being redeemed twice by a player. To do this, you can store the codes that each player has already redeemed in another DataStore.

Here is an updated version of the redeemCode function that should prevent players from redeeming the same code more than once:

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")

function redeemCode(player, args)
    -- Check if the provided code is valid
    local code = args[1]
    if not code then
        player:Kick("Invalid command usage. Usage: !redeem code")
    local reward = validateCode(code)
    if not reward then
        player:Kick("Invalid code")
    -- Check if the player has already redeemed this code
    local codesRedeemedDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore(CODES_REDEEMED_DATASTORE_KEY)
    local success, codesRedeemed = pcall(codesRedeemedDataStore.GetAsync, codesRedeemedDataStore, "userid_" .. tostring(player.UserId))
    if success then
        if codesRedeemed and codesRedeemed[code] then
            player:Kick("You have already redeemed this code")
        player:Kick("Failed to retrieve redeemed codes. Please try again later.")
    -- Add reward to the player's CoastBux
    local coastBuxDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore(COASTBUX_DATASTORE_KEY)
    local success, result = pcall(coastBuxDataStore.IncrementAsync, coastBuxDataStore, "userid_" .. tostring(player.UserId), reward)
    if success then
        local currentCoastBux = result
        player.leaderstats.CoastBux.Value = currentCoastBux -- Update the player's leaderboard value
        player:SendNotification(reward .. " added to your CoastBux. Your current balance is: " .. tostring(currentCoastBux))
        -- Store that the player has redeemed this code
        local codeRedeemedData = codesRedeemed or {}
        codeRedeemedData[code] = true
        codesRedeemedDataStore:SetAsync("userid_" .. tostring(player.UserId), codeRedeemedData)
        player:Kick("Failed to add CoastBux. Please try again later.")

The changes include:

  • Adding another DataStoreService key for storing codes redeemed by players
  • Checking if the player has already redeemed the code before adding the reward
  • Storing the redeemed code in the DataStore if it is added successfully

Using this updated function, a player won’t be able to redeem the same code more than once. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any additional questions.

I already have a Datastore made, the value I have is leaderstats.CoastBux