Cookie Tech Christmas Event

Howdy guys!

Once again, it’s that time of year, Christmas! :christmas_tree:

And as we all know, Christmas is all about giving!

So this year, Cookie Tech will be giving back to the competition with 2 major events!

Event 1: Activity Competition

Yes, once again we have an activity competition!

The grand prize of this competition will be R$2500.

This activity competition will be a little different to other events.

The mark scheme will be slightly different, you will get more points for the more likes you receive.

(However you can still get points making posts, as long as they are quality…)

Mark scheme: (Coming soon)

Event 1: Requirements and FAQ

  • Q: How long will the competition last for?
    A: The event will be from: 2021-12-06T08:00:00Z2021-12-12T20:00:00Z

  • Q: Are there any groups I need to be in?
    A: Join the cookie tech group.

  • Q: How can I track my points?
    A: Post will be made every day with the current point status of everyone.

  • Q: Do I need to have a forums account?
    A: You are required to have a forums account in order to enter the competition!

(If you a question feel free to leave a reply down below!)

Event 2: Christmas Calendar

Ok, this is something new and cool!

Every day we will be giving something back to the community, every day, you have the change of winning some robux!

Each day a post will be made, so you will know what to do and how to win the robux!

This event will not be hard to win, as there will be multiple winners.

Event 2: Requirements and FAQ

  • Q: How long will the competition last for?
    A: This event will last from: 2021-12-06T00:00:00Z2021-12-24T00:00:00Z.

  • Q: Are there any groups I need to be in?
    A: Join the cookie tech group.

  • Q: Do I need to have a forums account?
    A: You are required to have a forums account in order to enter the competition!

  • Q: How can I enter the competition for each day?
    A: Simply check this topic everyday, more details for each day in the calendar will be posted here!

(If you a question feel free to leave a reply down below!)

We hope you all want to give this event a go!

I hope this puts you in the festive season. :santa:

Best of luck for when the events start,

And a merry Christmas,

from the: Cookie Tech Team

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We will be giving away around R$5000 in goodies. :partying_face:

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Once again I will likely see the Forums explode into action (but hopefully no spam posts)!

I think there was a grammar mistake here …

… change of winning some robux

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Really cool! I hope we can make activity stay after the event finishes.

The activity competition has officially started!

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The Cookie Tech Calendar is now open, each day until Monday → December 24, 2021.

You will have the chance to win 130 robux each day until then, to enter the giveaway each day, join this place: Cookie Tech | Christmas Calandar - Roblox.

Now you can simply join the game and have the change of winning 130 robux each day until the 24th, enjoy! :gift:

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Question: How will we know if any of us won 130 Robux? Also, do we need to re-enter daily?

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Won the reward for day 6 of the calendar, he will be getting 130 robux from group finds right now!

(You will need tor re-aply each day)



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Thanks, cookie! Now I can use those Robux for something benifitial :grin:

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At the moment @OH20_rbLX is in the lead for the activity competition.

Followed by @FriX_0z


Delighted snowman and frizzy won day 7 and 8, they will get 130 soon

@oh2020 is still winning the activity competition…

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@cam Won the robins for the 9th. He will get the reward soon!


You have until tomorrow 8:00PM to win the activity competition!


@OH20_rbLX won the award for the 10th!

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