Cookie tech | We need your suggestions!

I think questions you see on this forum make that tutorials, so that player can see how to make it and then other players can do it also.

Welcome back :hugs:
This is an amazing suggestion, I would love to see cookie do this.

Yesss, this would be so helpful.

True, but it’s super hard to make.

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If anybody has any other suggestions that would be highly appreciated!

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I think you should try and make a loading screen. This can be useful for many games, and I would use it for some of games which would require one.

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A team selection system an automatic team assigning system.



I was wondering if you would make a video on how to make training GUI.


Can you elaborate on what a “training GUI” is?

I honestly think you should make content such as scripting challenges with fans of who can build the best build/game. Yes, it would take up a lot of time to edit, but I think its a good way to build up a fanbase.

:slight_smile: :smiley:

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A gui used to claim ranks, promote players, slock, pull a player’s camera, etc.

Is the door command video out yet as well as the PTS command, and the plane?

Team selection would be better.

If you want to say a massage that is in English, I want it to be in German, so translate the text

Localisation is included with Roblox, turn on language translation on “Localisation” tab on the game settings button

Alter a players leaderstats value from a UI Button

This would be a button that when pressed adds a certain amount of points to a uses leaderstats server wide.

It would be very helpful :slight_smile:

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Hey @Noah !

Maybe make a tutorial on how to make a custom overhead nametag/gui with badges?

Hey cookie!

Also you can make a tutorial on how to use Adonis admin?

Ok… So for this use Overhead+

And, for the Adonis one, what about it? Adonis is pretty self explanatory. I am not trying to offend people who don’t find it, in a way self explanatory

@cookie so you know how you created that mute command video? I liked it but it did not meet my needs! Basically I want it so it only mutes the player for 24 hours, But people can still umute them. I also love the rank lock feature but want it so you cant mute your self. and if people with the same rank required to be able to use the mute command or above, It wont let them mute the person. So basically in summary for that section I just need an anti admin abuse feature. I also want it so It does not send notifications if you use commands from a different admin. Like if I say :fly me it will send me a notification, And the notification will be an error and I don’t want that. In summary im asking for a certain mute times, A anti admin abuse so the same ranks cant mute each other. And for it to only send wrong notifications if you actually said the mute command instead of sending the notification for an admin command. This may sound a little confusing but I hope you get the idea!