So this is something related to my previous form post on adding admins to exe using data store Now when someone tries to global ban somebody of course it will let them do it Because how my system works I need help modifying the event handler specifically the check attributes While offline function I need help modifying it so it will also check data store to see if the player is bannable here’s an example of what the
List stored would look like
18:25:00.003 ▼ {
["bannable"] = false,
["canBan"] = true,
["canChangeServerPrivacy"] = true,
["canChangeTeam"] = true,
["canConfigureHumanoid"] = true,
["canExecuteCC"] = true,
["canGiveEffects"] = true,
["canGiveTools"] = true,
["canKick"] = true,
["canLockServer"] = true,
["canShutdownServer"] = true,
["canUnban"] = true,
["kickable"] = false