Feedback for Cookie Tech

I think it would be good to add a Head Moderator role for the staff team.

I think this because I think it would be good to have a Head Moderator looking over the staff team, so the can assign things for staff to do, but to also look after the staff team and what they do,

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I dont see a reason for this, @Noah is technically the head moderator and he watches what everyone on the forums does, plus he is regularly active.

True, But he is the Owner, Therefor someone else would be it if he was to add this.

I think what Oreo means is that there should be some sort of “co-owner” role.

There wouldn’t be a Co Owner role, I think it would be good to have a Head Moderator to give cookie less work to do for the mod team.

But wouldn’t this essentially grant a head moderator access to ban people, since they can manage moderators? It’s also granting them some permissions that perhaps only the owner should have. Seems a bit risky to do …