Game night or Livestream - 21/10/2022

In around 1 and a half hours, I’ll be doing one of the above.

Please pick what you would like to do:

  • Gamenight
  • Livestream

0 voters

This is a temp post.

Ah, we have a draw, somebody break the tie please. :slight_smile:

Alright, the tie has been broken, game night it is!

Today’s game night is MadCity!

A VIP server link will be released at 2022-10-21T21:30:00Z (45 minutes), please let me know if you’re on mobile before the event so we can sort something out.

Will you be coming?
  • Yes
  • Maybe
  • No

0 voters

The event is now live: [🐷] Mad City: Chapter 2 - Roblox

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Note, if you want to join: GIVE ME YOUR USERNAME!!!

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