Group rank door

When a high rank goes threw the door it opens to everyone…
I’d like it to close and even if a high rank is “going threw” the door, a low rank cannot go threw. Here is my current script:

local doorpart = script.Parent -- Put the part acting as the door here
local id = 34046669 -- Put your group id here
local minimumRankLevel = 42 -- Put your desired minimum rank level here

	if touchPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
		local plr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(touchPart.Parent.Name)
		if plr:IsInGroup(id) and plr:GetRankInGroup(id) >= minimumRankLevel then
			doorpart.CanCollide = false
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Maybe make the script a local script ? if it isn’t already.

ok i’ll try and i’ll tell you.

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Nope. The local script doesn’t even allow users to pass threw…

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Changed category to Development Support.

The issue with this is clear, canCollide is set to false, then not returned to true.

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