Hey everyone!
I’ve been having issues with studio lately. When I click play, studio freezes and I have to force quit application. Any solutions?
Hey everyone!
I’ve been having issues with studio lately. When I click play, studio freezes and I have to force quit application. Any solutions?
Task manager, does that help?
Not really …
I’m able to open my game, but I can’t test it out because studio freezes when I hit play. Sometimes Roblox Studio auto saves the game whenever I do that.
What happens in task manager when you do this?
Does studio sky-rocket?
What are your computer stats?
Do you mean computer specs?
Is this the latest macOS?
It could be that since your computer does not have a graphics card, it can’t process the Roblox Studio game, as your computer needs to process a lot of voxels and graphical data.
If your not on the latest macOS, it could be a problem, as being on an old version on macOS can affect Roblox Studio & Roblox player.
You should also try the following:
Turn down your studio graphic.
Re-install roblox-studio.
If none of these tips work, it could be due to lack of hardware, since I see you don’t have a graphics card.
(Roblox studio can be very graphically intense).
I also don’t know much about macOS myself.
I am dealing with the same issue. I even tried contacting RCS.
No, it’s macOS Mojave, and the latest in macOS Big Sur (which my laptop has no space left to download)
Anyhow it doesn’t really matter much now because I’m getting back home tomorrow from travel where i have a Windows 10 pc.
first off, it could be your RAM, make sure you dont have alot of apps open in the background process. second it happens to most of us sometimes including me, it goes to, Not Responding. This usually happens to me if i have apps in the background but i just wait like 2-4 minutes and it fully loads, seeing you have an intel core i7 it should load in alot faster unless u have lots of apps open
The freeze may be the lag on your PC or your PC is too bad. Apologies!
Aha, you need the latest mac version to run roblox studio at a stable amount I believe.
Yea Roblox tells you that but it doesn’t work-
It really is not- it’s the computer it self.
This could be the solution but there is a possibility
Uhh okay now I have an even worse problem …
I accedently ungrouped an R15 Block Rig in my game and it crashed Studio. Now it will freeze whenever I open my game. How do I undo this if I can’t undo from Studio?