Hiring someone to help with my Ranking Service

Hello, Cookie Tech!

I am looking for one person to co-found my ranking service! We will split profits 50/50

Here is my vision:

  • A website with a dashboard with application, rank management, activity, and logging.
  • An intuitive discord bot (custom per person or a free one) [Already coded] - WITH API
  • An advanced API for all roblox group management needs! With endpoints such as: promote, setrank, demote, shout, suspend, activityData/hours,activityData/all-time etc, exp/points
  • Auto anti-abuse system.

The thing that will set this service apart from others is our advanced logging capabilities! The logging will include all audits, enabled via bot or dashboard, activity, all applications, and rank management, as well as the ranking method wether its my rank panel RoVo, ranking commands, ranking sticks, or the optional auto promote system.

I would love to plan an activity leaderboard and optional rewards for the top three at the end of the set date will receive those rewards.
Then the points leaderboard.

Here is an overview of my advanced ranking pannel from a while ago (doesn’t fit context here)
I have a system that I made a while ago called RoVe, it was probably the most advanced ranking collection ever made. It featured an ingame management gui:

  • Promote
  • Demote
  • Fire,
  • Suspend (With dates and recommended or preset dates via logging reason)

ect But the thing that made it different was its session logging and control, the session version of the GUI was enabled via a varible in the config which featured:

  • Pass ( Promotes the user and has a toggle option to kick them or a screen congratulations and a button to kick them or teleport them to main game )
  • Fail ( Kicks the user or has a screen urging them to try again )
  • Start session ( Logs on the online dashboard as well as in the discord (if enabled then posts the group shout with the template set in config)
  • End session ( Logs users passed and failed and posts the chatlogs from session start to the end in the discord and client dashboard )

The ui for both included a type the username and a selection mode to click on the user to auto fill their info, the ui showed name, rank, last time promoted or demoted ( for groups with cooldowns ) any warnings given via the discord bot or in game, their weekly hours, and finally their account info (age, ect) The service was simple to, you can purchase our api, or use another one, I supported RoService, and a few more.

Finally, session tracking, management, and logging.

This section is ambitious but it is possible.

The ability to start, end, and plan for sessions via a planning screen, so the employee ranked high enough chooses a time based on a preset schedule (for example some groups host every hour) or custom start times. There will be tabs with 2 defaults: Shift, or Training. With the option for custom tabs.

Within these tabs you can claim or create a session, start it ( will make an announcement for them in the group based on a preset message for shout with variables for name etc session type) it will allow players in the game if its a session locked server ( optional, basically if a session isn’t going on nobody can join the game ), the tab can provide the session guide or a link to it. With the option to display protocols with any session type. Then the RoVo pannel will handle the passing and failing, (RoVo Pannel will be a one time purchase of 2,500 robux excluding API access, or 500 robux a month including the API access.

What I am looking for,

this isn’t going to be a cash grab for someone who doesn’t qualify, I have customers who are exited about this and willing to buy, I need help making this, not splitting profit with someone who will watch me.

You must be able to:
Properly program a website with NODE.JS (I already have my backend coded so you wont be doing any of that fun stuff)
You must know about how to make the fundamental ranking parts via backend.
Decent knowledge of CSS and HTML. (I can do that stuff)

I already have all the Roblox LUA side of things basically completed, I just need someone to help me out with this backend and website.

I appreciate whoever read this, and if you are interested in this when it comes out, add me on discord: zgr2575

If you are interested in helping me out, bless you and add me on discord: zgr2575.

Again thank you all for reading! I am open to questions, comments, feedback, and feature requests.


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Hiya, I have just renamed your topic so it’s more specific and less ‘spam’! :smiley::smile:


what stuff do you need done for your ranking service

They said this in the post, however I will quote it.