How to decrease the length of my script?

Are there anyways to make this script shorter?
This script is inside a tool

local tool = script.Parent
local UpperLeft = tool.First
local UpperRight = tool.Sec
local LowerLeft = tool.Third
local LowerRight = tool.Fourth
local Aweld = UpperLeft.WeldConstraint
local Bweld = UpperRight.WeldConstraint
local Cweld = LowerLeft.WeldConstraint
local Dweld = LowerRight.WeldConstraint

local Afull = false
local Bfull = false
local Cfull = false
local Dfull = false
local equiped = false

local pasteries = game.Workspace.counter.Pasteries.Bread
local breadroll = pasteries.BreadRoll.ProximityPrompt
local BreadSlice = pasteries.BreadSlice.ProximityPrompt

	equiped = true

	equiped = false

	if equiped == true then
		local clone = breadroll.Parent.Dupe:Clone()
		clone.Anchored = false
		clone.Name = breadroll.Parent.Name
		if Afull == false then
			clone.Parent = UpperLeft
			clone.CFrame = UpperLeft.CFrame
			Aweld.Part0 = UpperLeft
			Aweld.Part1 = clone
			Afull = true
		elseif Bfull == false then
			clone.Parent = UpperRight
			clone.CFrame = UpperRight.CFrame
			Bweld.Part0 = UpperRight
			Bweld.Part1 = clone
			Bfull = true
		elseif Cfull == false then
			clone.Parent = LowerLeft
			clone.CFrame = LowerLeft.CFrame
			Cweld.Part0 = LowerLeft
			Cweld.Part1 = clone
			Cfull = true
		elseif Dfull == false then
			clone.Parent = LowerRight
			clone.CFrame = LowerRight.CFrame
			Dweld.Part0 = LowerRight
			Dweld.Part1 = clone
			Dfull = true
	elseif equiped == false then
		print("plate not equipted")

	if equiped == true then
		local clone = BreadSlice.Parent.Dupe:Clone()
		clone.Anchored = false
		clone.Name = BreadSlice.Parent.Name
		if Afull == false then
			clone.Parent = UpperLeft
			clone.CFrame = UpperLeft.CFrame
			Aweld.Part0 = UpperLeft
			Aweld.Part1 = clone
			Afull = true
		elseif Bfull == false then
			clone.Parent = UpperRight
			clone.CFrame = UpperRight.CFrame
			Bweld.Part0 = UpperRight
			Bweld.Part1 = clone
			Bfull = true
		elseif Cfull == false then
			clone.Parent = LowerLeft
			clone.CFrame = LowerLeft.CFrame
			Cweld.Part0 = LowerLeft
			Cweld.Part1 = clone
			Cfull = true
		elseif Dfull == false then
			clone.Parent = LowerRight
			clone.CFrame = LowerRight.CFrame
			Dweld.Part0 = LowerRight
			Dweld.Part1 = clone
			Dfull = true
	elseif equiped == false then
		print("plate not equipted")

I’m not really a scripter, but I’d say maybe have all of the “_full” equal the big body of text each of them are after, because it all looks the same.

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