How to make successful games in Roblox?

Hi! So, do you know how to make a successful game? Today I’ll tell you 5 things you need to make sure to follow!

1: Good topic of the game

You need to make sure your game has an interesting topic, make sure it doesnt only interest you, it must interest the players.

2: Good material/stuff

Maybe your game is the best idea ever, but if the stuff inside is bad, people won’t like it. You need to have good buildings, nice designs, cool music, good GUIs, good scripting.

3: Updates

You need to make sure to have updates at least once per month. If your game is always the same, players will get bored of it. You need to add stuff or things, at least a gun for example, but always something. The best idea is to make weekly updates!

4: Moderation

Either if your game is a working game or a normal game, you need moderation. An anticheat or human moderators, but you need it to prevent exploiters, raiders, spammers, etc. If your game is unmoderated people won’t like the game.

5: Be creative!

People want new things so each update and everything you do, try to make it unique! You can get inspired on other games but never copy the full idea! Always try to improve that game you’re inspired and finally make your own game!

That’s all! I really hope you enjoyed this post!

Woah! So much information! Thank you for sharing! ^^

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Great tips, although I knew most of these. But still, I like this!

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