How to Optimize your Game (MUST READ!)

I know that feeling all too well. You’ve created a beautiful masterpiece of a game, and then you head over to playtest. HOLY COOKIE TECH! You notice that your game is laggier than Frontlines at full graphics. You search everywhere, and can’t find any meaningful tips on game optimization! But, I’m here to change that. I’m compiling a bunch of optimization strategies I’ve picked up over the past few months of trying to optimize a game.

Tip 1 - Reduce Lighting

Some people don’t realize how much of a lag causer lighting can be.

Notice how many single lighting sources there are? This can be greatly reduced, easily and quickly.

  • Delete all of the lighting sources by clicking on the dots and pressing backspace.
  • Create a new part
  • Add a surface light
  • Resize it over the entirety of the lights and configure the settings in Properties.

Now, there’s only a single light source for all of those lights!

NOTE: I would strongly suggest not using this across things like outdoor street lights due to the fact that it may take away from realism.

Suggested Resources

Light Editor Plugin (Free)

Tip 2 - Disable Collisions on Non-essential Parts/Meshes

Having too many collisions enabled puts a lot of stress on the game, with it having to render all of those collisions constantly.

Turning off collisions is easy, simply select what you want to disable collisions on, then disable the CanCollide option in Properties.

Tip 3 - Enable Performance Rendering/Box Collision Fidelity on Meshes

Performance rendering works simply. It reduces the quality of the mesh the farther the player gets from it. Box Collision Fidelity simply reduces the accuracy of the mesh’s collisions.

NOTE: Only disable Box collision fidelity on meshes that don’t need precise collision rendering, things like bushes and trees.

Tip 4 - Reduce Part Count by Using Unions

Using unions is a great way to decrease your part count. Instead of using four parts, I can simply negate a part and unionize it with the wall part.

After you’re done, there will be a hole in the part.

PROTIP: Negation turns a part into negative space. Once you unionize it, the negative space and the part become combined.

Tip 5 - Put Instances into Groups

Grouping instances is an imperative step to organization and optimization. Hitting two birds with one stone here!

  • Pretty straightforward and easy, just select the ungrouped parts and press CTRL + G (or CMD + G if on a Macaroni device)

Tip 6 - Enable Streaming Enabled

No, not that kind of streaming! The kind that controls how much of the game is loaded for a player at once. Silly pumpkin!

Anyways, let’s get into this one.

  • Select the Workspace and scroll to StreamingEnabled in properties. Enable this.

Thanks for Reading!
I put a good while of time into making the visuals and writing the tips by hand for this, so thanks for appreciating it!

This will be updated periodically, so make sure to leave your optimization tips in the replies to this topic!

Before you Go…
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nothing to see here

i have now gotten ur exact location from you clicking teh button!!!1! (rel)


Thank you, @Muffin! I found this pretty useful, especially regarding lighting and merging meshes together through the “Union” function.

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Thanks for your feedback and I’m glad it was useful for you!

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If I recall correctly putting objects into folder has no correlation with reducing lag. Think about this logically, it would make no sense.

In addition to that I don’t think there is much evidence to support that disabling collisions reduces lag and if it does allegedly the effect is too small to notice. :frowning:

Also just be careful with performance rendering, OP brings up relevant points, although it’s important to find the balance between good quality and overkill.


Heyo! I’ve found a reference backing up the collisions claim I made: Source

AI-generated summary by Google:

Yes, decreasing collisions in Roblox Studio can improve performance, but it might not completely eliminate lag. A small difference in performance is likely to occur if meshes are expected to be collided with by players or moving objects. However, if thousands of collision surfaces are causing the majority of lag, the difference in performance will be more significant.

And for the folders, I believe I added that on accident. Thanks for spotting that!