How would I accomplish a "dynamic" donation menu?

Hey there!

Recently, I’ve been trying to accomplish a “dynamic” donation menu within my Admino panel project. I’ve managed to get two seperate frames to sync information with each other, but not so much with the “confirm amount” button (which will prompt the user to donate the amount they selected from a list of dev-products).

I’ve attempted to do this through the basic dev-product script, but I’m not sure how I’d replace the developer product ID within the script to match with the user’s donation selection.

So, for example, a player chooses from a list of donation developer-products to donate “100 Robux.” In another frame next to the list (video shown below), the values and description of the dev-product are displayed, along with a “confirm” button beneath it. Once the user presses this button, the dev-product ID must be correctly invoked and used in the script to product a purchase prompt that corresponds to the selected amount (this is the part I’m not sure how to do).

If anyone knows how I can accomplish this dynamic-like donation menu (using a dev-product purchase prompt script, but with the modifications stated above), I’d appreciate any help. Thanks! :cookie:

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Hey, are you planning on keeping it all within one text button or multiple?

The plan is to keep the same “confirm amount” text button (as I don’t think overlapping buttons via the visibility toggle is efficient, though that can be a last resort option).

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It might also help if I mention that, upon a successful (or unsuccessful) completion of a donation purchase, I’m aiming to have a UI frame become visible and have the appropriate text, based on the outcome of the purchase (which I’ve experimented with a single dev-product purchase prompt).

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