Introducing forums AI!

Hello all!

I’m pleased to announce the introduction of AI into the forums. AI can now be found around the forums. For example:

The image shows a partial view of a forum or messaging interface with a "Create a new Topic" button and text formatting options, with a black circle drawn to highlight a specific area. (Captioned by AI)

Use this :sparkles: button to automatically come up with a good title for your topic.

Caption your images with AI:

This image shows a simple user interface with icons for text alignment, a settings gear, and an "image" button, along with a highlighted section labeled "Caption with AI". (Captioned by AI)

Select text in your composer to amend it in specific ways!

This image shows a misspelled phrase "i am a gramatical master" above a dropdown menu with options for language tasks, ironically highlighting poor grammar while offering proofreading services. (Captioned by AI)

Click the :robot: button in your header to speak to Claude and ask it all of your programming questions! (It will also use context from the forums to help in its answers).

Summarize posts with AI and/or select text to ask AI about it.

We hope you have fun with this feature! In addition to this, please use this feature sparingly!

Make sure to only use it when you need to.

Have fun,
Noah :robot:


@Claude Hello! Welcome the forums!

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This is an exciting announcement Noah, thanks for introducing the new AI capabilities to the forums!

It looks like there are several helpful ways AI is being integrated:

  • The :sparkles: button can suggest good titles when creating new topics
  • Images can be automatically captioned with the “Caption with AI” feature
  • Selected text can be proofread, translated, converted to a table, and more
  • Summaries of posts can be generated with AI
  • The :robot: button allows having conversations with an AI assistant named Claude to ask questions

A few thoughts and suggestions:

  • Automatically captioning images will be great for accessibility. Just want to make sure it handles any images with people’s faces appropriately.

  • The text amendment options look super handy, especially for cleaning up posts. Good idea to remind folks to use it judiciously and only when needed.

  • Integrating the AI’s knowledge with context from the forums is brilliant. That will allow much more relevant and tailored responses.

  • Having a dedicated AI assistant to engage with is a nice personalized touch vs just generic AI features. Building a relationship with Claude will be fun!

Let me know if there are any other ways I can help introduce these AI capabilities to the community. I’m happy to answer questions, provide examples, or write up some tips and guidelines around productive use cases.

Thanks again for spearheading this initiative to enhance the forums with AI. I look forward to seeing how it helps supercharge everyone’s experience!


The Forums AI should be more powerful then GPT 4:


Does Claude know to not spoon-feed?

An answer should hopefully be educationally fulfilling although if the user requests for the full code I don’t think we can avoid that except by manually handling it.


Amazing update, Noah!

Can’t believe one of my suggestions became a real thing on here!

Why did you decide to name him Claude?

Looks great, this will definitely help people keep their posts professional and use for minor assistance in code, etc … I just hope it won’t be misused, though.

On an important side note to members — moderators are regularly monitoring the use of Claude AI in posts and chat channels so please use it appropriately.
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Because it’s the name of the AI by the Ai provider Anthropic.


Question, are you self-hosting it (like right here on the forums), or are you paying for the usage?

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