Is Roblox adding video call?

Recently there have been talks of Roblox introducing voice chat onto the platform

This for kicked off when a Bloxy news tweet came out. It was talking about How a Roblox please has been made by Roblox where it prompts if your on mobile to access camera.

If you’re on PC gives you the option to take input

However, as some people may be thinking, this may not be for direct to video to video calling perhaps is for the Roblox face system which allows your faces to be displayed on the Roblox avatar.

What do you think? The reason for this update is and have you tried visiting the place?

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This is pretty cool but also concerning, I can already imagine a number of things that can go really wrong for Roblox if anybody were to abuse a possible real-time device camera feature.

(P.S. I think you meant to title this topic as something else as voice chat released a while ago)

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I see this as being a liability nightmare, knowing Roblox.

It is certainly interesting however.

Can you send the link to the place?

I don’t know it, perhaps a quick look through twitter?