Hey there! Explore Airways a group created by @HayHay and I, is searching for an IFE for our Global Suites, which look a bit like this:
So, we are asking if anyone has any IFE product names or others.
Hey there! Explore Airways a group created by @HayHay and I, is searching for an IFE for our Global Suites, which look a bit like this:
So, we are asking if anyone has any IFE product names or others.
Hey there!
As far as I know, there aren’t many good IFE’s for sale on the Roblox marketplace (most results end up in nothing related). However, it’s pretty easy to make one. Just a combination of parts, an image for the screen (or a video), a 3D text logo, and you’re good to go!
If you have issues designing it, or want me to, I’d be glad to help.
Ah, thank you!
We’ll look into hiring you!
(Gotta make sure we have the budget, haha)
Vortex ife IFE public - Roblox
I’ll try this out! Thank you!
I deleted my discord account - I had the podIFE on it
No need to worry about the budget, I don’t charge anything for helping someone out.
Oh really? Thank you so much @OH20_rbLX!
I can send a PM if you want?
Yeah, you may do that.
Alright, thank you so much!