Issue opening and Closen my Gui

I have a script that you click the part to open but when I close the Gui it won’t reopen when I click the part here the part script `local ClickDetector = script.Parent.ClickDetector

local PlayerGui = PlayerWhoClicked:WaitForChild(“PlayerGui”)
local MainFrame = PlayerGui:WaitForChild(“MainFrame”)

print("Part clicked, enabling MainFrame")
MainFrame.Enabled = true

in here the gui script that close the guilocal player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local playerGui = player:WaitForChild(“PlayerGui”)
local mainFrame = playerGui:WaitForChild(“MainFrame”)
local closeBtn = mainFrame.StartFrame:WaitForChild(“CloseBtn”)

print(“Close button clicked, disabling MainFrame”)
mainFrame.Enabled = false
`in here video example of what it does

Isnt it easier to use mainFrame.Visible = true?

well, the problem is I have a part that clone the Ui in when the visible set to false
then when I click the part that has the Ui clone script it makes that part of the Ui visible here an example video of what happen when I try that in also when I click the computer screen again it still does the same thing that it did in the video

Have you referenced it right?

yes, it should be referenced right

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