After playing a few games like Pet Sim. X, I found out when a user makes a purchase, a loading gui shows up and then the prompt shows. When the purchase prompt is cancelled, it removes it.
So I decided to recreate this.
Using a Blur, two frames (one for the main Loading icon, another for the shop) and a LocalScript, I present my very own version of this!
Below is the GUI showcase and how to install it (if you don’t wanna see the readme)
Installation Guide
- Grab the model here
- Go to ‘My Models’ in Roblox Studio
- Click the model, it should be called Shop + Loading GUI Model by DavidTheDev33777
- Click the > and drag PurchasePrompt into Lighting and BuyPrompt in StarterGui.
…aaaaand you’re done! You can go to the Shop part of the GUI to modify the button!