Military GFX | Feedback

Hey everyone!

If you recently read my post about this, you probably know that I was going to request feedback on this military GFX so that I can improve my skills and push myself forward!

I am really, really proud at myself. This took time and dedication to do, so I really do hope you appreciate it and can offer some feedback!

Have a good day/night,


Gun isn’t positioned great, besides that, AMAZING!

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This is really good, question do you use a paintrig?

I import my rigs from Roblox Studio.

I like it quite a lot!

Just one thing: Maybe try making the blue sky a sunset, because the yelow light on the face makes no sense if it’s mid day! :smiley:

Apart from that, excellent work!

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Overall its nice but the arms are detached & the gun is not positionedproperly. Btw theres no such thing as canadian military. Try: royal canadian mounted police (RCMP)

Or the canadian military by its real name: Royal Canadian armed forces

Otherwise try a name of the militaries special forces such as jtf2 or csor

Solid 8/10


Yea, I was going to do that but I figured the text would be a bit too long. Thanks for your feedback though!

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You can just use RCMP the most common form of referring to them