Moderation Just Got To Another Level

Hey, Cookie Tech :wave:

Roblox today just announced the release of alt detection when banning users, this ensures that alt accounts won’t be coming back into your game. Read more here:

But, for trolling YouTubers, how do you think this will impact them?
Along with this, what about false reports of it thinking it was that user but wasn’t?
Or even, Family members who play the same games but someone was banned in their household?

Let me know in the replies, I can’t wait to hear from everyone :point_down:



Let’s go, we’ve been needing this for so long!


Why not make a tutorial on how to use it :thinking:

That’s the plan! Hoping to make it soon…


Just made a module for it, all params are required.

local BanModule = {}

BanModule.Ban = function(UserIdArray, duration, DisplayReason, PrivateReason, AltAccountsBanned, ApplyToUniverse)
	local Players = game:GetService("Players")
	local config: BanConfigType = {
		UserIds = UserIdArray,
		Duration = duration,
		DisplayReason = DisplayReason,
		PrivateReason = PrivateReason,
		ExcludeAltAccounts = not AltAccountsBanned, -- If AltAccountsBanned is true, we need to return false, and vice versa
		ApplyToUniverse = ApplyToUniverse
	local succ, err = pcall(function()
		return Players:BanAsync(config)
	if succ then
		-- Went through!
		return true
		-- Didn't go through.
		return false

BanModule.Unban = function(UserIdArray, ApplyToUniverse)
	local Players = game:GetService("Players")
	local config: UnbanConfigType = {
		UserIds = UserIdArray,
		ApplyToUniverse = ApplyToUniverse,
	local succ, err = pcall(function()
		return Players:UnbanAsync(config)
	if succ then
		-- Went through!
		return true
		-- Didn't go through.
		return false

This might help new scripters utilise it.

Very useful in my opinion, I had an api for this already but now its nativly integrated into roblox (not my system but theirs and i dont have to use my terribly inefficent code for it). Pretty cool though :smiley:

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But surely without the alt detection.

Only problem is this is very easily bypassable ( It takes like 20 seconds to do it ). So the alt account prevention is useless

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I’m presuming it’s IP based?

I actually tested this with a friend & it didn’t work the best, in fact, alt detection didn’t work at all. We banned 3 of my alt accounts, and when one was banned with “ExcludeAltAccounts” being false, it didn’t work at all. Here’s what that looks like:

I hope this gets fixed soon, but until then, I wouldn’t rely on this.

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