Music Request System Remastered By Nathan

So for this system, I used TwinPlayz system and edited it a bit. It comes with the sidebar to mute and request music. I hope people use this! Enjoy.

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Roblox is now removing music longer than 6 sec so what’s the point?


I feel for you @NeonNathan :frowning_face:

Worst possible timing from roblox.

Roblox is now removing music longer than 6 sec so what’s the point?

This is false, I’ve been able to upload 2 full songs to roblox. So you are hearing some false things somewhere which you then believe it for it to then be spread round. Roblox will never remove audio as most Roblox games rely on it for the User Experience.

Any music not made by the owner will be muted (private), so let’s imagine this scenario

Creator A makes a song, rbxassetid://1234
Creator B makes a song as well, rbxassetid://5678

Creator A makes a game, they try to enter Creator B’s ID, which is rbxassetid://5678, which will be muted because Creator B did not create the game.

This was made before they announced this update.

Ah well, this was before i heard about the update, once they remove it you can always change it to the Monstercat sound library or upload NoCopyRightSounds

This was before the update

He has a point though, it’s pretty difficult to find good songs.

Also take a look at this post, this is why I wouldn’t recommend this:

I like how it looks, Maybe add a !playsong for admins. And a Top Bar (Twin playz has made one for this) Other than the two I like it!

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