Need help with script tried to fix but it wont work

  • 17:13:30.896 Workspace.Kingdom.GreeterArea.AwardSessionBoards.AwardsBoard.Awards:21: attempt to compare number < function - Server - Awards:21

  • Ive tried youtube videos here and devforum and everywhere pls help!!

local sessions = {
	{start = "10:00 AM", duration = 60},
	{start = "12:00 PM", duration = 60},
	{start = "2:00 PM", duration = 60},
	{start = "4:00 PM", duration = 60},
	{start = "6:00 PM", duration = 60},
	{start = "8:00 PM", duration = 60},
	{start = "10:00 PM", duration = 60},

function getTimeRemaining(session)
	local startTime = session.start
	local duration = session.duration
	local now = os.time
	local startHour, startMin = startTime:match("(%d+):(%d+)")
	local startSeconds = tonumber(startHour) * 3600 + tonumber(startMin) * 60

	local startDate = os.time({ year ="%Y"), month ="%m"), day ="%d"), hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0 })
	startSeconds = startSeconds + startDate

	if startSeconds < 3600 then
		startSeconds = startSeconds + (24 * 3600)

	local timeRemaining = startSeconds - now + (duration * 60)
	return timeRemaining

while true do
	for i, session in ipairs(sessions) do
		local timeRemaining = getTimeRemaining(session)
		if timeRemaining <= 0 then
			timeRemaining = 0
		local hours = math.floor(timeRemaining / 3600)
		local minutes = math.floor((timeRemaining - (hours * 3600)) / 60)
		local seconds = math.floor(timeRemaining - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60))

		local SurfaceGui = script.Parent.AwardSessionTimes
		if SurfaceGui then
			local TextLabel = SurfaceGui.SessionTimes
			if TextLabel then
				TextLabel.Text = string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d"..hours ..minutes..seconds)

*Pls help me Im trying to make an award session board that shows how long till each award session if that make sense and it isnt working.

Ty in advance.

Please help @QueenStar with the original post.

1 Like

@CookieTechAi help me pls

Try removing this. Could be the cause of the error

Please read the bot’s status.

Kk (random text) hopefully this work

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