Need help with Tables for Icons

How would I do this? I need to get the variables with the table, so pretty much I need to see what tables there are and their values.

	[1] = {
		IconID = 0,
		MinRank = 0,
		BadgeId = 0, -- Set to the badgeID if you want badges

Forgot to say, I want it to be a function returning all the info, i.e

return info

ico1 = {
   iconid = 0,
   minrank = 0,
   badgeid = 0,

ico2 = {
  iconid = 0,
  minrank = 0,
  badgeid = 0,

What are you trying to get?

What are you trying to do, I don’t qui to understand.


I’ll cut to the chase, you need to create a function that iterates over your table and constructs a new table with the desired structure. Should look something like this:

-- ok so over here define your original table
local originalTable = {
    [1] = {
        IconID = 0,
        MinRank = 0,
        BadgeId = 0, -- set to the badgeID if you want badges
    [2] = {
        IconID = 1,
        MinRank = 1,
        BadgeId = 123, -- ur badgeID!1!1!!1 
    -- and then u can add more entries as needed

-- this is a function to convert the original table to the desired format
local function convertTable(originalTable)
    local result = {}  -- this will initialize the result table

    -- this will iterate over the original table
    for key, value in ipairs(originalTable) do
        local newKey = "ico" .. key  -- this will construct the new key
        result[newKey] = {  -- and this will create a new table for each entry
            iconid = value.IconID,
            minrank = value.MinRank,
            badgeid = value.BadgeId,

    return result  -- returns the result table lol

-- this is to call the function and store the result
local info = convertTable(originalTable)

-- and then return the resulting table
return info

So this, all-in-all, defines your original table and a function convertTable to transform it into the format you want, and the function iterates over each entry in the original table, constructs a new key (ico1, ico2, etc.), and creates a new table with the desired structure. Then, it returns the resulting table.

hope this helped lmk if you have any more questions :grin:

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