New Roblox Update - Photo Mode?

Hello Cookie Tech! :cookie:

I was playing Work at a Pizza Place and I saw this at the side of my screen.
I clicked it and then it went to this with a cool animation!

Here is me testing it out:
Here is a photo that I took with it:

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Alright, so just to clarify, this is probably not enabled in every single Roblox game. This is likely one of those DevModules, one of them is a camera module.

Work at a Pizza Place probably added this to experiment with or because the game is rarely updates anymore and they want to put something interesting.

Again, this is what I think so I may be wrong, but I’ll be checking out other games to see if this actually is implemented in other games.

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That did come out looking pretty nice.

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This is a official package that ROBLOX has made. This is why you can see and use this. (You can implement it using the ROBLOX toolbox.)

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You can install it into your very own game.

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