New Video - How to make your own visits goal board

Learn how to make your own visits goal board, with this you can track how many visits your game has & show back to your community how your doing!

Watch here:

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Hey! This video is private-

YouTube has suspended my account for no reason, for now we will have to wait until they review my appeal.

Oh, What was the reason for it?

“Teaching users how to hack”

I see teaching users how to Code in lua but not hack-

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I think this is the video:

No, that’s not the video.

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You can’t hack with LUA- LUA is just a simple code, but if it was JavaScript it would be a different story-but I hope you get your account back!! :smiley: @cookie

Hello Snowball! I found the code here:

The code will be hard to understand without having the video.

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Yeah, but I understanded it, filled it out, didn’t work.

It works, I’ve tested it, but I don’t think your would understand without the video - it’s pretty hard to do so without.

This video is now out as YouTube has dealt with the situation!

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