Prompt Plus [Easy Customizable Prompts]

Prompt Plus

:rocket: Introducing our new, streamlined, and feather-light prompt system! Packed with a myriad of customizable features for an effortless experience! :bulb:

:star2: Features

  1. Prompt Animations: Bring your prompts to life with dynamic animations.
  2. Custom Styles: Personalize your prompts with a variety of unique styles.
  3. Easy Setup: Seamless installation and setup process for a hassle-free experience.
  4. Lightweight: Enjoy a smooth performance without any heavy load.
  5. Weekly Updates Are team’s goal is to update weekly.

:hammer_and_wrench: Installation

  1. Get the Plugin: Download Here
  2. Run the Plugin: Launch Prompt Plus in Roblox Studio by clicking on it.
  3. Customize Styles: Access and edit styles in Replicated Storage > Prompt Plus > Settings.

:clipboard: To-Do List

  • More Styles: Explore a wider range of styles to suit your preferences.

Exciting updates are on the horizon! Stay tuned for a feature-packed experience.


Can we have screenshots and more info before we download?


Sure! I’ll add more information on the project.

Suggestions are welcome.

Why would people use your plugin over other plugins and roblox features? Just a genuine question, please don’t take it as me being rude. :frowning:
Infact, Roblox has one here!

They honestly they look really good.


Just a simpler setup in my opinion, it has ui with easy to setup settings! It was just a passion project though I plan to add more features! It already has custom sounds, and stuff like that I’m working on more stuff though!

My plug-in also auto sets up unlike the module you provided!

Ah alright. I wish you the best of journey with this product as I unfortunately won’t be using it for now. I’m confident that Roblox’s script is already more featured, but I hope to see you add more features to this.

Just wondering what do they have that my plug-in doesn’t?

I personally think that if Roblox already has a prompt customization script, then plugins aren’t needed. Unless for people that are lazy to customize it their selves and just want to use a pre-made one, then this may be for them.

Features aren’t much, but I’d say that you make yourself DIFFERENT from other prompt plugins. There are a lot of them on devforum if you search.

I don’t see how plugins make developers lazy many big developers use plugins also, this is one of the most advanced prompt plus plugins on the market and for completely free.

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@nyx Hey! Could I get the sound IDs used for the prompts? Tysm.

Yeah, 100! Currently on vacation I’ll have to get back to you when I’m back.

Gotcha, thanks for replying.