Rank Management Center Not Working


I made the game did everything correctly followed tutorials 1 & 2 re-watched both of them. I published the game and tested it with my alt account I made sure it was in the group etc I bought the rank game pass in the game and It has not ranked me. I have attached the output but I am not sure what it is saying as I am not a scripter.

Can you show me your heroku logs?

Click this to view them:

I cant find that page where you tap view logs

Can you send a screenshot of what you can see?

Make sure you’ve went to https://heroku.com

Remember the website we went to, it’s called heroku?

ok i am in my account ill send a screen shot now

Can you send a request, keep that page open and tell me what you see.

where is that i cant find it

Like run you ranking center to test it, keep that page open though.

ok ill try that now ill get back to you after

Sounds great, after that send me the logs.

Is the bot promoted in your group?

Does it have the permission “Rank lower ranked members”?

yes it is and it has perms

Alright, you know the .env file you setup?

Your going to need to get the new bot cookie?

Remember not to log out of the bot account.

so you want me to go on incognito and log in again and get a new cookie

Yes & update your .env file.

Also in private messages can you send me your .env file.