Ranking center doesn't work (Double click)

does it work tho send a screenie

Hi there, can you copy the logs and send them here.

make sure to use preformatted text feature



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Thanks for showing us the logs, this helps quite a bit!

It looks like we’re getting a 404 error on your code!! Since you’ve already resetted your cookie, is it fixed?

Everything is working, the 404 means something is miss-configured in roblox.

He didn’t show all if it

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Make sure this line is set correctly:

Remember to use your own heroku line.

Hello I didn’t respond as I was a new member and I have a 22 hours cooldown that why I created another account and I’ll use it for this now.

this are the logs when someone enters and buys a rank in the rank center I used my alt

And also this I think is correct

Give me group link please.

9387481 That the group id if u want to test it advise me to put free the pass or idk

Are the cookie correct?

yes all the cookies api heroku etc are correct, suppostly is a roblox miss config but i don’t know as I did is same as is the video (sure with my group config)

hm. Sorry, I can’t solve it.

Did you logout from bot account?

We’ve established it’s not an error from roblox.

I thought it was from roblox. it was 401 error so.

He didn’t send up the FULL Cookie.

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Roblox cookie :cookie: are very long text. And that cookie was not fully shown. I don’t think any harm can be done.

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What can I do to fix the ranking center?