Is their anyone who sells ranking sticks for under 200 Robux??
I don’t know anyone who sells ranking sticks for under 200 robux, the cheapest one I could find was 500 robux. However, there are quite a few tutorials on YouTube which’ll show you how to create your own ranking sticks.
Do you have any links?
There are some amazing FREE ones made by @Aspect, and they can be found here.
Im not sure if they still work- but it’s worth a try. You also NEED to use RankGun for this.
Do you need APi key?
Yes you will need that and your Workspace ID; all of which can be found on the settings page within your workspace.
Where the API Key at?
It can be found in the settings page within your workspace.
No, go to the Configuration script and take it from there.
Yes, that is correct.
do i just do !promote then
No, that’s not what this is. This is a ranking stick that you use on people to promote them.
Does loading string have to be on?
this is how you set it up…
- move the folders to their respective parents…
- ungroup all of the folders…
- configure the settings in the configuration script…
- you’re all good to go.
Ok Thanks for your Help
Im pretty sure they are broke.
I was thinking that- but im not sure honestly.
It uses the V1 API so it will be I’ll private the model now.