Roblox mobile update?

So basically I was trolling with my sister on roblox, When she clicked on a game I saw this new ui. I dont know how she got it but it looks like this. Im using the desktop app since I dont have it on my ipad yet.


I’ve had this for a while, what about anybody else?


Yea, I have it on the desktop app rn and thats where I took the screenshot. I was wondering how to get this on mobile tho. My sisters have the update on theres but I sadly dont.

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Can you get her to take a screenshot perhaps?

I have the same case. But this is not anything recent. Roblox has been improving their desktop app and they seem to be paying little attention to mobile users (such as you and I), either because they’re still experimenting on their desktop app or making some changes before pushing out a major UI change to the mobile app.

I’ve heard they added support for the Iphone X topbar.

I don’t know if this is a problem on other apple devices, but on Iphone x the pink zone in the image above is not filled the game, apparently this is going to be fixed and is currently in beta.

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