Hi Cookie Tech!
So, Roblox has been releasing some new updates recently for the Beta Members of studio, and there are loads of new updates I want to talk to you all about!
Mesh Importer
So, as we all know the standard way to import a mesh into our game is either inserting a MeshPart into the workspace and loading the file through there, or either through the asset manager, but that takes time to load the mesh. Well, Roblox is going to be releasing a new Mesh Importer, which is a built-in plugin on Studio. I have been lucky enough to test this, and I think it’s way better, and saves more time inserting things via a part of from the Asset Manager. I wonder what you all think about this .
I personally think, if they are going to keep this, they should remove the MeshPart block from the inserter, it wouldn’t be much use anymore, and by using the Mesh Importer, the mesh will get uploaded to your inventory, like it would with the asset manager.
This is what the mesh importer looks like:
New Chat
So, I think this post was made a while back, but I think I should include it in this topic due to it being an update to Roblox, and Roblox Studio. As most of you might have seen on the DevForum, Roblox ix releasing a new chat, like they did a couple of months ago, but I still use the old chat bubble due to it being nice. So, Roblox has taken time with this chat, and I personally think this will work well in all games, even RP games like hotels and cafes.
I think this is going to be a good update, I haven’t tested it yet but I look forward to testing it!
So what do you all think about these updates? I look forward to hearing back from you alll!