I’m going to make a fix to the bot the only way I can see to fix it is to make your own custom server for your bot
This is the current fix if you have a VPS: [GUIDE] Help my cookie keeps expiring when I use a VPS! · Issue #545 · noblox/noblox.js (github.com)
i got to find a free vps
is there a fix with using heroku?
I would unfortunately like to say there is no such thing as a free vps.
Using an IDE such as a repl.it is highly risky and not a feasible way to host a bot.
Your best bet is to buy a cheap VPS.
However heroku can act as a free API server, just not a vps.
A vps is not the same as hosting on heroku!
I got hacked/beamed 10 days ago because they got my bash file (where my cookie is). I don’t think they made that.
Are you sure it was your bot cookie? People can’t simple view your own Heroku app.
If they were in the same continent as you the cookie doesn’t change.
What do you mean by that?
What I mean is that people can’t get the bot’s cookie without interfering with the Heroku app itself, since that is where the cookie is.
The cookie isn’t technically in the heroku app, in addition to that it doesn’t matter where the cookie is stored?
So, I’ve never experienced this myself, but I want to know what you think, now this may be optional once again, but for web developers who need to access API frequently, this would pose a huge problem.
This issue occurs when you change your IP (i.e. VPN, different wifi connection) roblox logs you out, because of an invalidated cookie.
Does the new API keystrokes allow for this to be altered? What do you think of this?
Topic originated here.
Best regards,
if your in the same continent it should be working.
This is a bit off topic but is mythical services to use as it maybe a fix for me.
I think it’s discontinued, their discord server doesn’t work & their domain is also not correct.
I use it, and it works fine for me!
How did you get it working?
No clue, but works fine