A Security Key is a device that facilitates access, or stronger authentication, into other devices, online systems, and applications . Security keys are also called security tokens. Security keys are secondary devices that are dependent upon a primary device.
In simple terms you need to have the physical key to prove you have access to the account.
If you have something like windows hello with face recognition or fingerprint biometric or sole face if you can now add that to roblox for another layer of safety.
Keep in mind roblox won’t have access to that biometric data, they will only be able to know if it’s your or not.
I would recommend adding this if you can, the more the better!
So you think this could be risky though as it’s possible you could lose access to your key and do you think roblox wi have something f in place to prevent this?
'bout time! I’m going to set up my Windows Hello by adele
This is a good update! Now, I don’t have to be worried.
2 Step Verification
An Extra Layer of Account Security
In addition to your password, add an extra layer of protection to your account with 2-Step Verification at login, account recovery, and high-value transactions. Note: you can only enable one option below at a time.
Authenticator App (Very Secure)
An app on your phone that generates unique codes. Suggested apps include Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, and Twilio’s Authy.
Email (Secure)
Receive unique codes at your specified email.
**Security Keys on Web Only (Very Secure)
A hardware security key or device’s biometrics like fingerprint or facial recognition.