Roblox Username Bypass

Once again there is yet another bypass in the username moderation system allowing users to have incredibly inappropriate usernames; destroying Roblox’s safety factor once more.

Right now using your display name and one simple character will allow you to completely bypass the roblox username moderation system, horrendous - right? All you need is one character and anything you can imagine can be written in there username.

This is terrible and I’m still surprised how Roblox hasn’t caught onto this, while it may seem like it’s not a big deal I can assure you it’s pretty concerning as having this allows you to give anything you want in a 20 character string.

While it’s understandable that it’s easy for things like these to be missed I don’t understand how a single character can cause such havoc, I believe that Roblox should have though of this and the danger it poses.

What are your opinions on this and should Roblox be allowed to get away with this?