Shakiez Bakery V1 is coming to your device very soon…
It is a pleasure to announce that the V1 relaunch of Shakiez Bakery has been confirmed* to be coming out in August/ September 2024.
This is a massive milestone for the group, as we have been shrugging off its releasee for many months now, and we can finally present it to you.
Shakiez Bakery as a whole would like to thank their amazing community for all of the support and patience over the past year, as we faced shutdown but managed to build ourselves back-up again.
Personally, it has been an absolute pleasure to be working on this with Noah (@justhimnoah), and I cannot wait to see the future of the group.
Please keep an eye out on this thread, because over the next few weeks we will be releasing the dates, and most importantly the trailer.
From the bottom of our hearts,
Thank You
@yelnatsz | Lead Developer
*not 100% certain that it will come out in said month, it could be earlier, or even later.