Okay and the issue with that?
Only you have access to the command, so it cant be abused.
Okay and the issue with that?
Only you have access to the command, so it cant be abused.
But soon im realising the game to a certain group role.
Alright, so what do you want it to be like, explain the rules to me.
i would like it to kinda be like the maximum amount of planes in 3 and also a delete plane command (if that’s possible) tysm!
Alright, what do you think is the best way to do this?
I would say tables and using the destroy function.
It’s best usually if you can build trust with your staff though.
I could make an acceptation form not to abuse it.
However, if it’s required, I’m sure we could figure out a way.
That’s up to you.
I guess your correct
all i want is just a delete command
Alrighty, we can add that.
So have you heard of the Instance:Destroy() function?
I’ve heard of Destroy() but not instance
Ah instance is just a fancy way of saying an object (basically).
oh okay now it makes sense.
So basically if i do:
local part = script.Parent
it will destroy the part?
Yeh, that’s how it will work.
I’m writing the script and adding comments to explain it right now…
thank you so much!
Alright, here is the script, make this post the solution if it fixes it.
The one issue, is the command will delete other peoples planes, so I’ve added a little fix, it’s not the best way to go around the issue, but it does the trick.
local groupId = 12760887 --Define the GroupId variable
local rank = 0 --Define the MinRank Variable
local Model = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Model") --Wait to see if "Model" is inside of Replicated Storage, just incase a loading issue or something else affects it.
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) --When the player joins get the Player Instance.
player.Chatted:Connect(function(msg) --Detect whenthe player chats and get the message they sent.
if msg == ":spawn plane" and player:GetRankInGroup(groupId) == rank then --Check the msg they sent, see if the message is ":spawn plane" and check if the person has the correct rank, if they do continue.
local clone = Model:Clone() --Clone the model we defined earlier on.
clone.Name = "Plane" ..player.Name --Makes the plane have a unique name.
clone.Parent = game.Workspace --Set the models parent, so we can see it in workspace.
clone:MoveTo(player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position) --Set the model to be were the player is.
else if msg == ":destroy plane" then
for i, v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do --Forloop, loops through the workspace directory
if v.Name == "Plane" ..player.Name then --Checks if the name of the plane matches the name of the person who ran the command
v:Destroy() --Destroy the plane, bye bye plane.