Splash an advanced admin panel coming soon

:ocean: Splash

Splash is an advanced admin panel that is focused more on group management with a smooth UI splash has a way for players to get ranked and more.

NOTE: This product is still in development and is not made yet me and my team are working on adding some advanced features.

:hammer_and_wrench: Some cool features coming with it.

  1. Color changes of admin
  2. A way to ban player using the new ban API
  3. A warn system.

:hammer_and_wrench: We hope to get this done bye September.

Is there any image/video previews on this admin panel? Seems pretty interesting so far.

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We are also working on a group lock.

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Here is a picture of the dashboard its still improving it will look better.


It will also have the players username at the top.

The UI is alright, donโ€™t get me wrong- but it could use some improvement.

Maybe centre the text


Unfortunately this model is being rebranded into a notification system.

So, it will no longer be an admin system, to clarify?

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Yes seems that the bot was failing to do its job properly and the system and UI started braking we remade the ui Splash admin may be back I cannot promise itโ€™s return cause either we shut it down or rebrand it into something else and we have chosen to make it into a notification system.


the ban api donโ€™t work

The new roblox ban API works, im sureโ€ฆ
It worked on some game i dont remember what was it