WardenPS - Publish games at ease
WardenPS is an game publishing service, supporting regular games, ROBLOX Games, And scratch games.
What will you need for publishing:
- Game Thumbnail
- Game file (if regular game)
- ROBLOX Game link (if ROBLOX game)
- ROBLOX Game Name
- A brain (no offense)
How to submit
You will need to have the ones listed above (expect game file if ROBLOX game)
Submit method 1: DM me in this forum
DM me with all listed above (expect game file if ROBLOX game) And then wait for my respone. It could take a few minutes to a day.
Submit method 2: Submit through the forum (possible longer respones)
- Visit the site (https://wardenps.framer.ai)
- Click “Submit” in the navbar
- Choose an option. (Submit button is for regular games, Submit ROBLOX game is for ROBLOX game.)
- Fill in the form
- Done! Now all you will have to do is wait for an respone. Please note; You will have to share your email for contact. If you dont want to share your email, use Method 1.