What would you like to see from Roblox in 2023?


Since the year is almost over - what would you guys like to see from Roblox in 2023?

Personally, I would love to see some updates to studio, as well as an easier time for off-platform creators.

I’d love to hear your opinion!


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I would love to see a wireframe editor come to the roblox builder - In addition this I would like to see logo improvements, maybe direct github support so we don’t have to use plugins like rojo.

Maybe also better support for learning on Roblox.

Personally, I’m looking forward to the improvements from OpenCloud & I also can’t wait to see what 2023 RDC will tell us. I would also like to see improvements to the talent hub.

I would like roblox to be kind for some people like they got me banned many times from fakes report .