What's your Studio Layout?

What’s your Studio Layout?
Here’s mine:

I know this is the Default but I like it.
What’s yours?


Alright, often I will use my plugins (plugins are sometimes the most powerful tools!).

So genuinely I go for this style:

But most of the time I will be using one of these plugins:

I try to keep it minimalistic and simple, just so my eyes can focus on the main thing for as long as possible, also I like my explorer and properties pretty thick.


I have a similar layout, except that I keep a few crucial plugin windows open to the left side.

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My studio layout is very simple, people may think it’s not possible but it is.

I only tend to have my explorer and properties tab open, but sometimes I will have other tabs open such as the toolbox to get my models in the game, or to fix an error I can find.

All of my plugins are closed as they take space up. All my plugins that I use for main work can be located at the top of the picture!

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;))) my doors [20 charssssss]

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Our game though, so yeah. I was working on it at the time and was at the doors at the time of reading the post.

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