AI Title Featue

Hiya! So, I had an Idea for a new website feature that would help new users and existing ones! This would be used by many users, so lets explain it:

  • For some new users especially, they have a hard time keeping their post titles short and specific, and sometimes not spammy.

    • so my solution to it is this: if your title is over the specific word count, or under, it will prompt @CookieTechAi to rename the title.
    • but if you don’t want it, or it was a mistake you can toggle it at the bottom of the post creation page.

Personally, I think it would be an amazing feature and it will help new users whilst they get a feel for the site!

What do you think? Let me know bellow! :point_down:

That sounds like a fair idea, except that @CookieTechAi was disabled a while back as people were misusing it to generate scripts to resolve their scripting issues, etc. which prevented meaningful conversations.

I think that, while this could be a feature, there could also be a simply pop-up encouraging users to be more specific in their topic titles — effectively accomplishing the same task.

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Fair enough, but it could be reinstated and have its own mini-section on the creation page and possibly it could be made so you have to be a certain trust level to use the AI, and if it’s miss-used you could be banned from it.

But, that’s more complicated and your idea is the same! :smiley:

So yeah, I agree with any of them. :slight_smile:

I like this idea. I’ll see what I can do.


:partying_face: @Claude AI is here!

The forums new AI has been added and this feature has also been included! Go check out the official forum post here.