トレーニング - An advanced training system



:warning: This product is in development. :warning:

Toreningu is a training system by me, Alex!


Toreningu will integrate with the following:
JSM SelfServ V3
Applegate VoCoVo
shopSmart VoCoVo

Why Toreningu?

Toreningu has an open sourced API and is compatible with some systems out of the box! We are working on getting more integrations built in.

Lovely UI
Easy to Use

When is it releasing?

Toreningu should be releasing sometime september (due to the complication of this system)

Is it free?

Yes! Although, it is obfuscated due to how hard we worked on it.

トレーニング Developer

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Obfuscation is against Roblox terms of service, and will get your model taken off the marketplace.

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not published on the toolbox, no rule broken.

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How is VoCoVo got to to with a training system? I use VoCoVo myself, and this is for shop/ supermarket role-plays. Unless you demonstrating the headset, can you explain what that has got to do with it?

This system is designed for stores at the moment, we will add more features.

Yes, this is how to use it.

may or may not be releasing a certain admin panel at the same time as this :eyes:

Sounds interesting. I will use this.

Where do you get OverheadPRO from? I’m genuinly curious.

Me, read this topic: Overhead by shopSmart Technologies


free products should not be obfuscated. kf u worker hard but wanna obfuscate, make people pay. plus if it is obfuscated, people Annoy make other things work with it.

Yeah, why would you need to obfuscate a free product? Seems a bit fishy!

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This seems reasonable for the time-being, but you should probably look for some kind of alternative way to protect your code in you plan to release this in September.

Generally speaking, developers have the right to know what’s in the code and what exactly they’re installing … Roblox monitors the marketplace for this reason.

1- It has some unreleased APIs and private keys that cant be shared at all.

2- Again, I’m working really hard on this

3- Roblox won’t delete it since its not even published on marketplace

4- As fishy as it seems, you can see a lot of groups doing it (i.e Caffable & DRS)

Caffable is openly breaking the TOS, even if your product is not published to the marketplace, it is against the Terms & Conditions of Roblox to obfuscate products and cause interruptions to gameplay, which Caffable does if a license isn’t owned.

Caffable is a pretty crappy company too, offering preorders on products that still aren’t out yet over a year later, threatening to DMCA smaller companies that sell cafe tech, etc.

hi; caffable makes decent products but they do these things.

also; this is allowed. if u dont have the license for premium (which im adding due to me working on a panel like boba training i think)

we wont disrupt the gameplay, all it will be is

print("Toreningu | Premium unowned, using basic instead.")

can you add drs support? apple gate vocovos ui is kinda lame

make 2 seperate downloads. how do we know if that is all u are gonna do if it is OBFUSCATED? free download unobfuscated, premium download unobfuscated.

EDIT: Oops i meant premium download obfuscated.

DRS and Caffable are trusted companies with thousands of members and users using it. we have no idea what is in ur code, as not one of ur prducts are out yet

Sneaky peek

Can we have a bit more context? you were showing some cool APIs an integrations but this just looks like a server lock system but a list added

Hey! It is against the terms of service to publish an obfuscated module to roblox but as again JSM does obfuscate their modules so its not likely to get it banned. I would suggest making a seperate account tho just in case it does get taken down instead of it being your main getting taken down.