Anti Exploits & Exploits what do you think about them?

I agree with the post, but not that sentence; how do you lose a game by making an anti exploit?

Exploiters will still find a way to bypass the anti-exploit, so they will be able to find a way to bypass it and still ruin the game experience.

That’s true; but only for Clientsided anti exploits, Serversided Anti Exploits on the other hand can’t be disabled/deleted, or spoofed/hooked the only way of bypassing a Serversided anti-exploit is a mistake from the developer.

It could be if the exploiter loads a disabling script in the server, stop the self promotion, it isn’t good, we aren’t paying for your anti exploit junk. Stop using random jargon to say ‘oh, my anti exploit is amazing buy it now!!!’. It isn’t.

This is entirely my opinion so please respect it

Most developers aren’t dumb and will think twice to make sure there aren’t any vulnerabilities.

Bypassing a server side is always possible, it may always be there doesn’t mean it can’t detect you though.

I have to agree with @Deleted_User2 though, the only way the server side can be edited is via server access, the only way to edit the server side is by inserting a free model that can access the server side & is “backdoored” or “hacked”.

That can only happen with a backdoor! which means they aren’t exploiting :smiley:

Not If the scripting is made correctly – If it was really bad & had like a 30% detection rate it could be bypassed.

Okay? so that means the serversided anti exploit won’t be bypassed.

I doubt that, real companies with mass virus protection like Norton, Microsoft security and the whole lot face hackers bypassing there software, no exception to roblox.

Not talking about those type of stuff, I mean roblox lua serversided anti exploits.

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It’s a figure of speech.