Bloxy.js -- The alternative to noblox.js

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bloxy.js is a Roblox Library for ranking.

Basic Usage

Before we begin, import the repository and make it private. (Remember to import your repository from OUR Repository, please remember to update it each time we get an update, keep an eye on this category)

Next, navigate to auth.js in your repo.

It should look like this:

// auth.js
// Used to authenticate your bot.

var botUser = "";
var botPassword = "";

Now, change var botUser = ""; to your bots username. Inside the quotes!
Again, but this time use var botPassword = ""; to your bots’ Password, remembering to do it inside the quotes.

note: not all features are released yet.

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Why use this over noblox.js?


noblox.js has started to somehow get limited. Atleast thats what people say.
I would not use blox.js UNTIL 100% NEEDED As it may contain loggers.


any update on this project?

This must be one of your ‘fork and claim it’s yours’.

Also, why would you need the bot’s password. Can you not use a cookie :cookie:?

There is a barrier if you are not in the Netherlands, due to a new Roblox Update. Only people in Netherlands can log in with cookies.

Is there a source that quotes that, I don’t believe you.

Mostly everyone has had a problem with this, have you not heard of this?

I’m not trying to, please read this: Roblox Update - ALL bots are broken!?

Use a vpn or host the bot to your country :man_shrugging:

Ok, this is not ok, please don’t say that to people, they are just asking.

isnt it also funny that u are always rude lol

Still, why use this and not noblox.js?
It is more trusted.

this is why
(20 chars)

I do get your point but wouldn’t noblox.js still be good? I mean, if a few stuff is gone then I wouldn’t care.

Also, read this

I don’t believe that’s true … the Roblox update only restricted certain games to some countries, the Netherlands included, due to a simple matter on national law differences, in different countries.

I’m pretty sure cookies can still be used through the Google Chrome console.

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