Why change the code? You are simply flooding the developer console with “Hello World”. And if anything, the function require is used to insert an animation or something into your game, even Basic Admin Essentials uses require to insert the actual admin into the game.
I believe @Noah once mentioned a long time back (by a long time, I mean months ago) about some trustworthy plugin that can detect “require” scripts called GameGuard Plugin
It’s pretty much easy to make a plug-in like that.
Plugins can get access to Script.Source, which basically is just text of the code. (Example: if we added print(“hi”) to the script, it will return that.) You aren’t able to get or change the source through a regular script though. It checks if the source contains require() and can delete it.
This can be abused though, as a plugin can claim to be friendly, but can add a script which contains malicious code.