Feedback on my Group's Website

I made some of this Website, I’d like some feedback on it!

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Ok so, it’s not bad but needs some work, like on the about maybe tell the story on how it got set up and stuff, maybe for games you could link the game as well and send more photos. It’s a good start but needs work.

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It also took a while to load up.

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404 on the load up image.

Did you write this code, or is it a template?

It’s hosted on a subdomain, not everybody likes that.


I made a bit of it, This Forum is on a Sub Domain :skull:

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But it’s under my own domain, meaning it feels more personalised to the company and the client. :uno_reverse_card:

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True, Also I’m not sure why the Random image shows up.

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It’s a 404, the HTML can’t find the image.

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I know, just can’t find where it’s coming from in the Code.

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I found it just now.

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:x: | GET | | 404


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Yep, I found it, Thanks!

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I found it before, I was just seeing if it was going to fix it if I put a new Image.

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Lighthouse score isn’t terrible, but could be worked on.


How much we talking?


50% ish.


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Alright, so did you actually customize any of the html, like adding your own divs or did you edit the code to add pictures and strings?


They mainly did the HTML and the Strings.


I’ve made a change, Now our Games part is now a Blog!

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Might wanna edit your href

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