Feedback on my Group's Website

clicking games takes me to the blog page…

Edit: I noticed you said this is intentional- but in my opinion it kind of seems like a design flaw.

Also, this is a section on the site:


This looks to be using a “Webhost” from the DevForum - which doesn’t look to be DDOS protected, correct me if I’m wrong.


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I really like this feature though- and I think it’s cool you guys have a “business” email!

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That was a test to see if it does let me make a new Post lol

It was removed.

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Ah, alright. Sounds good.

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So, I have just a few key things you should consider;

  • Try to use brighter, more “lively” colors, currently the home page doesn’t look very appealing with just white (and its tints) and light blue;

  • Add more into the text boxes. This would encourage the visitor to continue reading on, hence learning more about your hotel;

  • Use some visuals! Every website looks much more appealing with some sort of good quality visuals, whether it’s a .GIF, video, or just an image that represents your hotel in some way.


@Boo Clicking on games still takes me to blog…

It is DDOS protected, as you can see here: DDOS Attack | Coral Coast Hotels

I’ve Updated it a bit!

Since you’ve had so many issues in the past, I think you should take a look at if it’s even worth keeping the site, the front page greets us with: “Hosting Problem”

We’re on a Server that is having a DDOS Attack, it’s not us, it’s a different webiste.

Yes, but just look at your status page. 9+ outages in 2 weeks is pretty bad.

We’re Rebooting it due to a Back-End Problem, there will be errors.

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What website is that?

Coral Coast’s website.

This one

Yeah, that’s Coral Coast.

Here’s your lighthouse scores:

Compared to the Cookie Tech scores:

Compared to my month-old site (I know the scores aren’t that good):

And just to clarify, no hate.

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